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Holiday Make-up Tips 2016

Every woman wants to look there best during the holidays! However So many get frustrated trying to achieve the look and give up on it. Normally going back to there basic routine. I am going to give you guys some of this years holiday trends, that you can easily work into your make-up routine. This will help get you into that festive holiday spirit.

#1 GLITTER IS YOUR FRIEND - Glitter is a great way to amp up any look. Doing a glitter or foil shadow on the lid is perfect to let your eyes make a statement. Another great way to use glitter, is a glitter liner. Turn that cat eye in to the talk of the party.

#2 LASHES ARE EVERYTHING - A great pair of lashes can make all the difference in a make-up look. If you are looking to catch that cute boys attention at the Christmas party, Or kissing prince charming under the fireworks at midnight on New Years Eve! Your lashes MUST make a statement!

#3 BOLD LIPSTICK - This is so crucial to Completing a holiday make-up look! Red lipstick has seem to be a go to color for holiday parties for the last decade! STEP OUT! Now its even more fun to play with your lip color. Trying going for a holiday green lip like Jeffree star's Mistletoe Liquid lipstick!

Well there you go! My top 3 holiday make-up tips for 2016! I sure hope to see some of you rock these amazing trends this holiday season.

Happy Holidays every one!

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