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I am very excited to announce that today, December 1st, 2016 is the Official Launch date of Makeup by Maxwell!!! I want to take this time to thank every one who has believed in me!

I would like to thank first, my mother! You have always been there for me no matter what. you are more than just my mother! You are my best friend. Thank you for never giving up on me!

To my Wife Caleigh Potter! YOU ARE MY WORLD! Don't ever forget that! You have made me see light where I thought there was none at times. Your spirit and your soul will always be a part of me where ever I go!

To my best friend Shnitzy! I love you girl more than words can say. There will never be anyone like you. your individuality, and don't give a F$@# attitude are what keep me believing that being different, and being yourself are okay. Your spirit helped me become more confident in who I am today!

To all my friends In Vancouver, Qorie and Shorty, Elyce and Jason, Colleen, Katrina, Dee and Adam! You guys are the foundation I needed this year to help keep my spirit alive and well. I have your love and support to thank. You guys helped get me through one of the hardest years of my life! I am forever in your debt!

To my friends closest to me there are to many of you to list! Thank you for your support and love. You all have put your hope and love into my dreams. You have helped me grow as a person, and you have been there for me no matter what! I would not be the person I am today with out all of you!


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